Faye Peraya新歌《You Are the One》|歌詞+新歌試聽及Faye Peraya熱門歌曲推薦

香港歌詞庫 2025
Just a little bit closer and forever be mine.

You are the one that's made for me.
My darling, it's true.
So, would you please let it be?
And say "I love you".
No matter how the seasons change.
I'm holding you tight.
And will be right by your side.
Can you hear me?
I love you I love you

Faye Peraya《You Are the One》|新歌試聽

Faye Peraya《You Are the One》|製作團隊


Faye PerayaTop5熱門歌曲推薦

1.You Are the One